Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Welcome to my new blog, dinner bell. I really don't have time to spend doing this, but I was inspired by my sister's blog, documenting the travails of new motherhood and the life and times of my very sweet nephew domingo. For now, I'll be posting pictures of my daily meals here and you all can keep updated on my life by seeing what I am eating. We'll see how this goes, but potentially in the future you can get recipes, cooking, and shopping tips too. Here was tonight's dinner. Winter vegetable stew with the very awesome bread which had its recipe featured in the new york times. (but hurry and print it out, those bastards will probably restrict it to 'timeselect' subscribers soon enough). The stew was adapted from Debora Madison's excellent cookbook vegetarian cooking for everyone. Though to quote Mrs. Swan, my version had "a leetle beet of bacon."


evergreenknits said...

The bread is GORGEOUS!

Turned out much better when you baked it all at once, as opposed to when I tried to divide into two smaller loaves.

All of your cooking looks delicious and inspiring. Welcome to blogland!

Alice said...

welcome to the blogosphere as they say in nerdland. The pictures are beautiful, I wan that food!! I'm so glad you are doing this blog, now we can keep up with what you're doing and more importantly eating!

Keith said...

You should post your recipes. Now.