Thursday, November 30, 2006

Vive la Révolution Boulanger!

So . . . I think I have ruined two kitchen towels making the aforementioned NY times bread recipe. So I just did a google search for the terms 'cleaning tip how to get flour out of a towell [sic.]' and clicked on the the fifth link that google gave me. It turned out to be a topic on a food message board that was dedicated to this very same bread recipe! Mind you, I didn't include the words 'bread,' 'recipe,' 'new york times,' etc. in the search, and, out of the whole world wide web, google came up with this!

It's insane, there have been 231 postings on it (including mine) since November 10. The recipe is as close to a revolution in the food world as I have ever witnessed in my life. I finally feel like I am part of something again!


evergreenknits said...

Is there such a thing as virtual social capital?

I need to go check out that chat scene and join in the revolution!

Unknown said...

These pictures are killing me - I get hungry just from looking at them and going back to my cereal and milk dinner is not too comforting : ) whats the recipe and your tips for that amazing looking stew?