Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sisyphus Cleans Up

So I cleaned my kitchen today. Hardly spotless, but it is a lot better than it was. My house becomes a hell-hole rediculously fast. I feel like I spend my life cleaning and nagging david to clean and its all thankless. But I thought I would post up pictures of the kitchen to show you where it all happens. David and I spent the better part of the last year getting the kitchen into workable shape. We added the hanging baskets, the hooks by the stove to hold utensiles, the hooks and magnet strip above the counter for the knives and measuring spoons, and the shelves to hold cooking oil, spices, etc. I've put my staples, like dried beans, rice, pasta, oats, in plastic containers on the bottom shelf. It was david's idea to hang the pots and pans on hooks from the top shelf. We've really made the very best of the kitchen's absolute lack of storage and work space. The cast iron griddle is a fantastic investment, by the way. We make pancakes on it very often, but also homemade tortillas, and grilled sandwiches, and we flip it over to grill vegetables or meats. I also love how it just sits directly on the burners and I don't have to get it out and put it away every time I want to use it.

I went to the Japanese store today, so there'll be some meals on here soon enough, don't worry. I bought a few types of noodles, and some frozen molluscks. I think I am going to put my camera in my school bag, so I can document when I randomly do my shopping. And now, to work, unfortunately.

1 comment:

Alice said...

I know about toiling in vain. This apartment looks like a hell hole most of the time. So I've given up cleaning until mommy comes over.